Golf Grip Tape - Intertape 591 Double Sided Tape-TapeMonster
(46 Reviews)

Intertape Polymer Group

Intertape 591 - Double Sided Tape
  • Price:
  • $14.90
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½ in. x 36yds
3/4 In. x 36yds
1 in. x 36Yds
2 in. x 36Yds

IPG 591 Double Sided Tape Case Quantity:  ►Cases Also Ship FREE‼

½" = 72 Rolls

¾" = 48 Rolls

 1" = 36 Rolls

2" = 24 Rolls

IPG 591 Tape Has Become A Standard For Golf Grip Repair.

Much Thicker Than Most Solvent Activated Golf Grip Tapes Intertape 591 Tape Is Easier To Install & Remove When Re-Gripping. Saving You Time & Money.

Durable Double Sided Flatback Paper Tape.

Intertape 591 Double Sided Tape Is Ideal For Photograph Mounting, Carpet Installation & Textile Manufacturing.

Use IPG 591 Tape For Any Other Joining Application That Requires Dual Adhesive Surfaces.

Intertape 591 Tape (IPG 591 Tape) Characteristics:

Backing/carrier: Bleached Flatback Double Sided Paper Tape.

Adhesive: natural rubber/resin

Made in USA

IPG 591 In Use

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Product Description

CID AA-180C, UU-T-91E Premium 7.0 mil bleached flatback Double Sided paper tape coated on both sides with a high shear resistant natural rubber/resin adhesive on a white easy release crepe paper liner. IPG 591 Tape has become a standard for golf grip repair. It is also ideal for photograph mounting, carpet installation and textile manufacturing.

Intertape 591 double sided flatback paper tape is a premium 7.0 mil bleached flatback paper tape coated on both sides with a high shear resistant natural rubber/resin adhesive that bonds equally as well to almost any surface. The tape comes on a white easy release crepe paper liner that allows for either machine or hand application. IPG 591 double sided paper tape tape has become a recognized standard in the manufacture, repair and replacement of golf grips. It is also ideal for photograph mounting, carpet installation, textile manufacturing (Twister room), steel-rule die (make-ready), and any application that requires two adhesive surfaces for joining.


IPG 591 Tape is one of Intertape's most popular selling double-Sided tapes. It has been around for decades. It was originally made by Anchor Continental before Intertape bought them out almost 15 years ago.


It is a very versatile product because it's adhesive structure is permanent, but it can be removed fairly easily from almost all hard surfaces. It will tear fibers on paper.


If you are in the sign business or a fabricator that cuts metal, glass, or plastic, this product is excellent in holding multiple pieces of these materials together while you cut them into letters or other shapes. You can then remove the tape after cutting and it doesn't leave a residue. 


It Also works to hold carpet or rugs in place temporarily.

Technical Information

  • Adhesive: natural rubber/resin 
  • Carrier/Backing: bleached flatback paper
  • Release Liner: white crepe paper
  • Thickness: 12 mils (carrier, adhesive, liner) 7 mils (carrier, adhesive) 5 mils (liner)
  • Adhesion: 52 ounces per inch (to stainless steel test panel)
  • Tensile Strength: 34 pounds per inch (longitudinal)
  • Service/Operating Temperature: up to 200°F
  • Elongation: 3%
  • Core: 3" diameter

IPG 591 Mf Part Numbers:

½" IPG 591 72694

¾" IPG 591 72699

1" IPG 591 72706

2" IPG 591 84913

Nominal Tape Widths vs Actual Widths


Tape rolls are cut to standard tape industry metric widths of approx. 24mm per 1-inch of nominal width ordered. As a result ACTUAL tape widths are normally 5% narrower than the NOMINAL width shown in inches. Examples:

  • 1" Nominal width = 15/16" (24mm) Actual width
  • 2" Nominal width = 1-7/8" (48mm) Actual width
  • 3" Nominal width = 2-13/16" (72mm) Actual width

Note that tape rolls are NOT guaranteed to be splice-free.

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